We value heartfelt worship that is God-honoring, Spirit-directed, and life-changing.
Our prayer is that we as a part of the Kingdom of God are a bridge for others to come to experience the love of Jesus, and the awe of who God is. We believe that we should be cultivating a lifestyle of worship from which our service to the Kingdom of God grows. Because of the transformational work of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit, we worship. Because we worship, we love and serve people and the Kingdom of God.
God calls his people to corporate worship (Hebrews 10:25; Psalm 92:13). Worship honors and adores the Lord. It brings encouragement and hope to the people of God.
Worship also brings Christians together for fellowship. It provides an ideal opportunity for people to express their love to God and concern for the world through the generous sharing of financial resources and to affirm and encourage one another in the faith. These expressions of sincere love become a powerful testimony of God’s grace.
The Church is enriched as people come together in different settings. Weekly meetings of the corporate body give occasion for celebration, teaching, and evangelism. Smaller group meetings are especially essential for nurture and fellowship. These include such activities as cell groups, Sunday school classes, prayer groups, and youth groups.
The Bible portrays a wide variety of forms of worship. The primary focus is on the Lord through praise, prayer, music, preaching, and communion.
Music and praise is an important part of how we outwardly express our worship to our Lord as we are together in fellowship and as we live out a lifestyle of worship; striving to ascribe worth to the King.
At least once a quarter we do a good old fashioned hymn sing. Our worship time consists of members of the congregation requesting the hymns that they'd like to sing and singing them together with piano accompaniment. These hymns are an important part of our church history; which makes them an important part of our future.
Prayer and preaching are an important part of how we grow together in lifestyles of worship. We rely on spiritual leaders who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit to challenge us to grow together. Prayer not only helps us grow, it is an essential part of living out a relationship as a follower of Jesus Christ and as a community of believers who pray together and for each other. Through prayer we can achieve praise and worship.
Once a month we meet together after our worship service in the Fellowship Hall at 11:45am to pray together as a community of believers.
Communion: The Lord’s Supper was instituted by Jesus and is celebrated by His followers in remembrance of the Lord’s death and resurrection and in anticipation of His return. The bread and the cup represent the body and blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Participat- ing in the communion service symbolizes our unity with believers of all times and places. We are to examine ourselves in the light of Scripture before approaching the Lord’s Table. Reconciliation with God and with brothers and sisters in Christ is an essential preparation for participation.